Class Descriptions

Below are the descriptions of each Birth Boot Camp class. All classes are offered in and around Southern Maryland in either a group setting or privately . Please inquire about private classes.


10 Week Birth Boot Camp Childbirth Class-$350 

If you desire an unmedicated birth, are first-time parents, or are preparing for a VBAC, this class will prepare you on all levels – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Workbook included. This class series runs 25 hours and is typically taught over a 10-week period, or ten 2.5 hour sessions. Also included in the price is a breastfeeding class download. Everything you could ever want in a childbirth class and more.

Class 1 – Defining the Mission: Why Natural Childbirth
Mission: noun – The task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken and the reason therefore.
Birth Boot Camp is about natural, unmedicated birth. You’ll learn why natural birth is best for baby, best for mom, and even best for dad. You’ll discover how the history of childbirth in America has set us on this course of medicated and surgical birth. Take part in an in-depth discussion on how drugs interfere with the natural process. You will walk away from the first class with a clear vision of your mission and its importance.

Class 2 – P.T. & Chow: Physical Training and Nutrition for Your Birth
P.T. & Chow: noun – physical training and food.
Preparing your body – both inside and out — for the challenge of labor is exciting. Learn from a personal trainer how to properly tone the muscles you’ll need to birth your baby. Proper nutrition will help ensure a healthy baby and pregnancy. Following the nutritional program Birth Boot Camp teaches will give you a solid foundation in remaining healthy, strong, and low-risk. Finally, part of your Physical Training is the preparation of the mind, body, and spirit through relaxation practice in each class. Partners will learn helpful hints about the process of practicing relaxation at home. Taking P.T. & Chow seriously will pay off in the natural birth of your baby.

Class 3 Part 1 – Setting Up Camp: Deciding Where to Birth
Setting Up Camp: verb – establishing your post.
What should a couple look for when choosing a birth place? Whether you are planning to birth at home, birth center, or hospital, this class will empower you to know what questions to ask your care provider. Hear first hand some of the differences in various birth places.

Class 3 Part 2 – Chain of Command: Who is in Charge of Your Birth?
Chain of Command: noun – a series of ranks in which each has direct authority over the one immediately below.
With so much birth lingo, it’s easy to get confused! Learn the difference between a doula and different types of midwives. How much influence does your insurance have in your birth? The people you choose to have present will affect your birth. The Chain of Command begins with you.

Class 4 – Countdown to D-Day: Final Preparations Before Giving Birth
D-Day: noun – the day on which an important operation is to begin or a change to take effect.
The last few weeks of pregnancy can be overwhelming – physically and emotionally. Know and understand various testing and procedures often done in the final weeks of pregnancy. Also included in the Countdown is planning your postpartum period, including breastfeeding support and finding a pediatrician. Understanding your options, you will be able to face the last few weeks of pregnancy with confidence and excitement.

Class 5 – Deployment: Baby on the Move
Deployment: transitive verb – to place in formation or appropriate positions, to arrange for a deliberate purpose, to move.
Baby has decided to move out! Knowing what to expect takes the fear out of labor – for moms and their partners! Learn about the different phases of labor and what you can most likely expect to physically take place

Class 6 – Supporting Arms: Mom’s Most Important Ally
Supporting Arms: noun – weapons systems employed to support forces.
Dad is mom’s most important ally. By Week 6, Birth Boot Camp has given you both a good foundation. You have been working together week by week. In Supporting Arms, Dad will learn very practical ways to help Mom during labor. This is his most important class! Moms will also learn some very effective – and unique — techniques in coping with the challenges of labor. Anyone invited to your birth is encouraged to sit in on this class as well.

Class 7 – Cadence: The Sights and Sounds of Natural Childbirth
Cadence: noun – a work song sung during physical activity or training.
The moment you’ve been waiting for – the birth of your baby! Cadence: the Sights and Sounds of Birth will tie together the birth videos viewed throughout the class series, giving you a clear picture of birth. Water birth and optimal positioning for mom and baby will be covered. Replace fear with joy and anticipation of meeting your baby for the very first time.

Class 8 – The Fog of War: Keeping a Clear Head in Labor
Fog of War: phrase – term used to describe the uncertainty and disorientation experienced in the thick of battle.
The Fog of War is about all the things you can do to avoid a cesarean section and when they are actually necessary. You will be prepared for unexpected circumstances that may come up during labor or birth.

Class 9 Part 1 – The Plan of Action: Establishing Your Priorities and Making a Plan
Plan of Action: noun – a deliberate approach to a problem or situation.
Now that you are armed with knowledge and information, you are ready to create your unique birth plan. You will learn to write a birth plan that is easy to read and that won’t be tossed aside. No matter where you are birthing, deciding what you want, knowing your options, and learning to communicate with your partner and your birth team is paramount.

Class 9 Part 2 – Mission Accomplished! The Immediate Postpartum Period
Mission Accomplished: phrase – having successfully completed a task.
You are making choices for your baby from his first breath. Learn about placenta delivery, cord clamping, skin to skin contact, initiating breastfeeding, and common procedures. The first moments after birth are so precious!

Class 10 – Life with a New Recruit
New Recruit: noun – someone who has recently joined an organization, team, or group of people.
Your new recruit comes with special needs. This class is your manual! Enjoy those early days and weeks by learning techniques that will enhance bonding and make the transition to parenthood easier and more enjoyable.



Reboot Refresher-$95/couple

If you have already had a natural birth and simply want to brush up on your childbirth education, a refresher course is available. It is offered in your home or with a group. Available only in person, our childbirth educators offer a Reboot Refresher childbirth class designed for couples planning their second (or third or fourth) birth. The Reboot Refresher class is tailored just for you to address your particular concerns and needs for your subsequent births. Workbook included. Class time approximately 4 hours.

Cost is $75/couple (Includes Workbook)

Sibling Birth Boot Camp-$35

Are you including your children in your birth plan? Are you having a birth center or home birth where your children will be present? It could also be just laboring at home with your children present! Are they ready for the job? They can be! Birth Boot Camp for Siblings will give them information and tools to use to help bring their newest family member earthside. The workbook is a fun way to openly talk about everyone’s feeling about the birth. We talk all about labor, packing their own birth bag, snacks, how mommy will sound, what they can do to help,  how parents can open up dialogue, coloring sheets and word searches. This class is offered privately in your home for ages 3 years and older. Cost: $35 (includes workbook), $10 each additional child

Birth Boot Camp: Training for an Amazing Hospital Birth-$255/ couple

Our hospital class is designed for the couple who wants more. More education. More fun. More relaxation and labor practice. More information on interventions, including medicated and cesarean births. They want to be able to make informed decisions as their birth unfolds. Workbook included. This class is 15 hours in total, typically taught over six 2.5 hour sessions.


Birth Boot Camp: Training Couples for an Amazing Out-of-Hospital Birth -$225

Couples receive a beautiful 40-page full color, spiral-bound workbook. Couples and their midwives will adore this book and this class. Topics include the nuts and bolts of the various stages of labor, positions for labor and pushing, as well as the variations of labor. Information on water birth, emergency childbirth, and advice from midwives and couples who have birthed their babies at home or birth centers makes this a valuable one-stop workbook.  This class is four sessions. Each class is approximately 2.5hrs long


Food & Fitness: A Program for the Childbearing Year-$75 

Being healthy and low-risk through nutrition and exercise will not only help you in the delivery room, but you will feel better during pregnancy and recover more quickly postpartum. Birth Boot Camp has designed a program especially for you. Build a great physical foundation for your pregnancy, birth, and baby. Read the 50+ page workbook cover to cover, or use it as a reference. Class time approximately 3 hours.

Homecoming: Life With a New Recruit -$75

Each family will receive a 28-page full color workbook. Topics include breastfeeding (3.5 hour video course included), newborn procedures; babywearing, safe sleep, postpartum topics, and baby comfort techniques, as well as advice from veteran parents! This is a one session four hour class


Comfort Measures: Amazing Coping Strategies for Labor $90

This workshop is designed to help both partners build confidence for the big day. You’ll take in lots of relaxation, comfort measures, massage, imagery for labor, as well as communication skills for labor. This workshop does not replace a childbirth education course. The beautiful workbook that comes with this workshop is one you’ll want to spend time with for the duration of the pregnancy. Class time approximately 4 hours.


Online Classes

Do you want a thorough and comprehensive childbirth class, but have a hard time committing to a specific time and day each week? Consider enrolling in Birth Boot Camp’s online course! You’ll be given access to 10 class modules, to be completed at your own pace. Click the banner below for more information on online classes.


Proudly Serving Calvert County, St Mary’s County, Charles County and Anne Arundel County

Currently works at MedStar St Marys Hospital Center , Calvert Heath Medical Center, Anne Arundel Medical Center, Bay Area Midwifery, Special Beginnings Birth Center, Charles Regional Memorial

Office Location: The Weiner Building 41620 Courthouse Rd, Suite #8 Leonardtown, MD 20650